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License Agreement and Hosting for Local Comic Shop Day™
If you are a member, please log in to access additional, potentially lower registration fee options.
At Locally Owned BRICK AND MORTAR Comic Book Specialty Stores
Local Comic Shop Day
Registration Info
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
All locally owned independent retailers are invited to participate.
A Local Comic Shop is defined as a brick and mortar business that sells a substantial amount and/or percentage of comics and graphic novels. Qualifying comic specialty shops must be locally owned, not be publicly traded, and not have more than 35 storefronts.
To participate, Retailers have to have a Diamond Account. They also have to register with ComicsPRO online, pay a licensing fee ($10 for ComicsPRO members, $50 for non-members), and follow the Rules, Regulations, and Guidelines. If you would like to pay by paypal instead of credit card, please choose "print invoice and send check option" and send payment to
If non-members decide to join ComicsPRO within the year, their first year's membership fee will be reduced by $40.
About this event
Local Comic Shop Day™ is a day to focus on all that local comic shops do to keep fans excited year ‘round. On LCSD, consumers will have the opportunity to get exclusive items that can only be (or first) found at their local comic shop.
This event is designed to drive traffic –without the necessity of discounting--- to comic shops on the busiest shopping weekend of the year. Coinciding with Small Business Saturday, there will be focus on supporting locally owned independent businesses.
Six Publishers have agreed to participate (Dark Horse, DC, Image, Marvel, ONI, and Valiant). We expect to sign up more publishers in the coming months.
Please read the
Retailer FAQ and Rules, Regulations, and Guidelines. If you have any questions after reading these documents, please e-mail
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